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Your digital marketing plan includes a weekly blog, regular social media postings, and email drip campaigns. Do you really need to add a marketing e-newsletter?

The short answer is Yes! At Blue Orchid Marketing, we create and distribute hundreds of custom-written e-newsletters for our clients each year. We know the advantages of keeping in touch with current and potential customers via an e-newsletter with fresh, exciting content that gets dropped right into a contact’s inbox.

Here are some frequently asked questions about e-newsletters that we address on a daily basis:

Why should I add an email newsletter to my marketing materials?

Each contact has a preferred way of acquiring information. A diverse marketing campaign will help reach your customers, whether they prefer reading a blog, keeping up with social media or opening and reading an email. E-newsletters are extremely cost-effective, and it’s easy to track the “open” rate to measure how engaged your audience is.

Is the subject line important?

Definitely! Your subject line should intrigue a reader to open the document and discover what is inside. Instead of “December Newsletter,” entice your readers with subjects like “”The Essentials of Safe Winter Driving” or “Heal Your Heel: How To Eliminate Heel Pain Permanently.”

What type of content suits an e-newsletter format?

Where blogs are usually single-subject pieces and social media postings are brief sound bites, an e-newsletter is a perfect vehicle for a variety of content types. Start with the main article related to your practice with helpful information that is of real value to your readers. A second and shorter article can be for fun, such as “Unusual New Year’s Customs Around the World.” Always highlight service or personnel changes in your practice. By adding a recipe, a “What’s Happening?” section showcasing upcoming events in your area and several eye-catching photos or graphics, you’ll have an informative and easy-to-read newsletter that your readers will look forward to.

Logistics: How long and how often?

You’ll turn off your readers with lengthy articles, so keep them brief and easy to scan. Use highlighted keywords, headings and subheadings to break up sections of text and always link to the relevant content on your website. It’s best to set up a regular schedule for your e-newsletter, such as monthly, so your readers know when to anticipate receiving it.

Intrigued by the possibilities? Give us a call to discuss how an e-newsletter can help market your practice!

Ask Us About Our Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy

Blue Orchid Marketing offers custom-written marketing elements designed to increase your bottom line.  We also focus on external marketing by placing your practice on more than 70 local online directories and writing weekly custom blogs and social media posts to ensure your practice is found on internet searches.  That’s more than 40 posts a month … it’s a service you need to stay competitive!

Need a website?  Live chat?  Adwords?  We have the solution!

To learn how our internal marketing solutions can put money in your pocket and our internet presence solutions and websites can help you to attract new patients and clients, please call us at 203-746-5901ask for David – or send an email to We’ll create a package that’s right for you!
