Preparing to share your email marketing campaign with customers can be exciting. But, once you’ve hit the “send” button, the message is out of your hands. And for many, relinquishing control can let anxiety creep in. This is referred to as ‘send anxiety.’ So, in today’s post, we’re sharing our five top tips to help you combat send anxiety so you can send with total confidence.
Here are our 5 Top Tips for Overcoming Email Send Anxiety:
- Typos: While they are simple mistakes that don’t affect your overall message, typos can challenge your professionalism. Your readers will feel that you didn’t take the time to proofread your messages to them. So before sending an email, read it slowly out loud, focusing on every word.
- Broken links: Fearing broken links is a valid concern. We’ve all been aggravated by an email with broken links. They not only make your emails appear unprofessional, but they can also impact your brand’s reputation, reduce the effectiveness of your message, and frustrate customers. Send a test to a colleague and yourself to check all the links.
- Subpar results: It’s exciting to send emails, particularly for a new campaign. Marketers can sometimes feel anxious about the possibility of subpar results. A failed campaign can have far-reaching consequences, such as low conversion rates, poor brand perception, wasted resources, etc. Email marketing is about enhancement, so not every message needs to be a smash hit. Gathering insight into what’s not working is just as valuable as collecting what is.
- Elements not representing your brand: When emails don’t include your brand’s colors, fonts, or imagery, your readers probably won’t find the email compelling. This can cause them to become disconnected to the point that they unsubscribe. Some ways to fight this fear include sending test emails to several colleagues who use different email clients to see how your messaging appears and then try troubleshooting with that feedback.
- Sending to the wrong list: Sending a campaign to the wrong audience can have severe implications! This mistake can result in addressees marking you as spam, poor engagement, impact segmentation efforts, hurt your brand’s reputation, and more. To avoid this, maintain clean and current email lists, regularly review the recipient lists, and implement stringent segmentation practices before sending out any email campaign.
Feeling apprehensive before sending out an email campaign is normal, but don’t let it stop you from breaking new ground and finding success. Want to remove ‘send anxiety completely?’ Let Blue Orchid Marketing handle every aspect of your email marketing for you!
Call us at 203-746-5901 or email us at today to schedule a consultation to discuss our digital marketing services.